Friday, January 11, 2013

Where Is Your Faith Today

Where Is Your Faith Today

When you pray and don't get results immediately, do you get mad at God?

When everything goes wrong no matter what you do, do believe that you did something wrong to upset God? So He is punishing you?

When someone you love walks out of your life do you say "God didn't want me to be with that person?

Sometimes these statements can be true, however, you also remember that we live in a fallen world. So not everything that happens to us is because of God. Satan is in the mist of many things himself. also we have been given free will, so there somethings are results of choices we made!!!!!!!

Make the choice to seek God with all your heart, mind, body and soul. Have faith to know that all things work for our good even if it was not God's original plan for our lives. Let go and let God. He is control. Once you do that He can show you the plans He has for you and then your faith will grow.  Have a Blessed and Prosperous day.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Being A Successful Woman

Be successful by yourself through the power of Jesus Christ not someone else. Hater'a are going to be haters. we are required to love them, but we are not required to kick it with them.

Romans 5:5

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Only God Can & Will

I finally got the revelation of what it means to guard your words and not to take heed to everything people tell you. Some words were spoken to me 6 months ago, and then again 2 weeks ago and I didn't take heed to them and kept thinking that I could do things in my own strength and finally this morning I had to surrender it all to God and follow his path. People will hurt you, people will lie to you, people will walk out of your life, but the one thing I know for sure now is that Jesus never will. If you put your trust in man (Woman) you will fall every time, but with God you will elevate every time. 
Have a blessed day and my Jesus be your only strong tower.

Let every evil tongue uttering curses & other evil pronouncements against your life be completely silenced in Jesus' name!

For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.